
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
    May 2016

Relevant Coursework

  • Computer Organization Design
    Computer Systems Engineering
    Algorithms Models of Computation
  • Data Structures and Software Principles
    Distributed Systems
    Mobile Sensing and Applications
  • Artificial Intelligence
    Applied Machine Learning
    Computer Security I
  • Interactive Computer Graphics
    Analog/Digital Signal Processing
    Embedded DSP Lab


  • label Python, C++, C, Java (Android), x86 Assembly, JavaScript
  • label MATLAB, HTML, System Verilog
  • label Microsoft Visual Studio, Android Studio, PyCharm, Quartus II, ModelSim, Atom, Git
  • label Fluent in 中文!


Nion Company (Software Development Intern)

  • label Developed a NionSwift extension using OpenCV in Python to track atoms with Nion’s electron microscopes, rather than manually tracking and adjusting
  • label Helped implement API functions for users to create their own extensions and scripts
  • label Pushed several bug fixes and features for Swift based on user feedback and testing
  • label Gave presentations and Python tutorials for a Swift workshop and demoed my plugin at the end of the summer to many of the top microscopy scientists in the field

State Farm Research and Development Center (Systems Intern)

  • label Worked on the software team of a ten-man project with three sub-teams on a patented device to detect driver movement
  • label Used scikit-learn (random forest, k-means) to analyze data and predict movement
  • label Evaluated all options for hardware and software for the project and laid out all future milestones up to 2016 as a team

Projects and Awards

JZ Wentworth Cache Now (Computer Organization Design Final Project)

  • label Designed a pipelined CPU based on the LC-3b ISA in System Verilog with two additional engineers
  • label Focused on implementing hazard detection, data forwarding, and local history branch prediction
  • label Utilized ModelSim to debug design through specific test code written to target different areas of the CPU
  • label Won the design competition by having the fastest processor in the class

ShibOS (Computer Systems Engineering Final Project)

  • label Created a simple Linux-based operating system with a group of three additional engineers
  • label Collaborated for 30-40 hours a week over four weeks to implement paging, device drivers, system calls and tasks, multiple terminals, and scheduling
  • label Focused on implementing device drivers, system calls, and scheduling while debugging the entire system as a whole

Kapow! (Embedded DSP Lab Final Project)

  • label Co-developed an android app that allows users to “cartoonify” images and manipulate images to create a pdf comic book
  • label Implemented features letting users choose a variety of filters (mean-shift, bilateral, etc.), add speech bubbles, and rearrange images with multi-touch control to create panels.

ECE Pulse 2015

  • label First place in software competition (team of three, day long, various coding challenges)


  • label Smart retrofit smoke detector (Top ten in MHacks IV 2014)